About the Seminar

Yitzhak Rashkovsky
Ani Shnarch
Yivgeni Bushkov
Jana Gendelman
Guy Figger
Svetlana Simanovsky
Michael Gaisler
Nava Milo

Viola- Tali Kravitz
Cello- Michal Korman

Yivgenya Lakernik
Julia Gurvitch
Irena Jlanova
Natali Grines
Yivgeni Brachman
Ilya Lechanov
Oleg Yekirevitch
Michael Kaner
Monika Brashko
Marina Sheivitch
Admission Requirements
The seminar will be open to students who come with their teacher’s recommendation and have been playing for over 4 years.
Students under the age of 13 must be accompanied by parents throughout all seminar days.
The return home at the end of the seminar on Saturday night is independent and the responsibility of the students.
Only those who have submitted complete forms, including their repertoire details, can be accepted to the seminar.
Participation fee fro the seminar will be 500 NIS per participant. Please note: After completing the registration form, you will be directed to the payment screen.
Participation in the seminar requires approval from the local teacher who will send their recommendation by email to Sahar – [email protected]
For your individual lessons, please bring a piece you are currently working on, not a new piece, to maximize the benefit from your lessons.
There will be ensemble work with all seminar participants – the music sheet will be sent after registration is confirmed.
You can indicate in the registration form which teachers you would like to work with. You must list at least 2 preferred teachers – we will try to accommodate requests within constraints.
Please note: Viola and cello classes will have limited student capacity. Registration for these classes should be coordinated with Sahar at: 052-8698766

A tribute event to an Israeli composer featuring Kol HaMusica radio host Danny Orsatav
Concert performed by the Finale Ensemble
Friday | March 28 | 20:30 | Eran Auditorium, Ra’anana
Seminar Final Concert – final time to be determined soon.
There will also be private lessons and rehearsals in preparation for the ensemble performance featuring all seminar students at the final concert.