From the establishment of Keshet Eilon until today, many good friends have opened their hearts and donated generously to support our music activities and to build suitable infrastructures for them. We offer our deepest gratitude to each and every one.
Honorary Donors for Building and Development
Following is the list of donors who supported and funded Keshet Eilon in building and development, from its early years until today, including:
the concert hall and the faculty villas; the music library tower; the Hall plaza and landscaping project (Eliana Garden); the upgraded lighting and renovation
of the library tower; the construction of the Isacc Lookout; the dormitories, the cafeteria and the acoustic shell; development and gardening of Stage 1
(Leora Garden) and Stage 2 in the new campus.
Donors according to the sum donated over the years
Isacc Ribatzky (of blessed memory) (USA)
Patrick and Lina Drahi Foundation PLFA (Switzerland-Israel)
Raya Strauss Bendror (Israel)
The Mark Rich Foundation for Education, Culture and Welfare (Lucerne, Switzerland)
State of Israel Ministry of Culture and Sport, Cultural Directorate (Israel)
Havatzeleth, Cultural and Educational Institutes of Hashomer Hatzair (Israel)
The Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation (Israel)
Jewish National Fund Germany (Israel)
ICA in Israel (Israel)
Beracha Foundation (Israel)
Ami (of blessed memory) and Gabi Brown (Israel)
Mundek (of blessed memory) and Rochke Furer (Israel)
Anonymous (USA)
Keren Hayesod (Israel)
Eitan and Malka Evan (USA)
Alexandra Shiva, The Susan S. Shiva Foundation, in honor of Charlie Siem (USA)
Harriet Slivka (USA)
Baruch and Naomi Ivcher (Lima, Peru)
Yardena Bar-Uryan (Israel)
Terry Mac-Magnin (USA)
Dana Mac-Prinz (USA)
Bonny and John Boland (USA)
Neva and Livio Steindler (Israel)
Bricks donors
John A. Carey (USA), in memory of his wife Harriet S. Carey
Myra and Smoky Simon (Israel)
Gil Shiva, The Susan Stein Shiva Foundation (USA)
Josabeth Fribourg (USA)
Alexandra Shiva, The Susan Stein Shiva Foundation (USA)
Karin Moses (Israel)
Marion and Ron Aufsseer (Switzerland)
Judith and Avraham (Abe) Peled (Israel-USA)
Yardena Bar-Uryan (Israel)
Sara (Guter) and Uzi Davidson (Israel)
Anonymous (Israel)
Eli Lederman (Israel)
Judith and Lipa Meshorer (Israel)
Doris and Yoav Arad (Sweden)
Zelma and Norbert Rubinstein (Israel)
Rivka and Reuven Abel (Israel)
Tzafrira and Yehiel Admoni (Israel)
Jony and Rami Burstein (USA)
Richard Cohen (USA)
Ron and Merav Davidson (Israel)
Hanna and Marcel Doron (USA)
Patricia Duff (USA)
Jordana Fribourg (USA)
Sara Gelbard (USA)
Nina Griscom (USA)
Nira and Reuven Hasak (Israel)
Niva Lanir and Giora Morag (Israel)
Miri and Itzhak Lent-Sharir (Israel)
Edna Liftman (Israel)
Malka and Amnon Lion (Israel)
Hana and Rafi Malka (Israel)
Lea Mandelzis and Yoram Blizovsky (Israel)
Samuel P. Peabody (USA)
Dalia and Yehuda Raschal (Israel)
Fania and Reuven Rashkovsky (Canada)
Miriam and Giora Romm (Israel)
Zita Rozenthal (USA)
Nina Rosenwald, Abstraction Fund (USA)
Carol and Lawrence Saper (USA)
Gabriela Shalev and Uzi Levi (Israel)
Liora and Aki Shavit (Israel)
Barry and Dana Slivka (USA)
Tamar Snyder-Hirschl (USA) | (Israel)
Levana and David Shemla (Israel)
Rena and Richard Stein, Dorsatal Ltd. (Israel)
Smadar, Amatzia and Ohad Yeger (Israel)
Fifteen-Year Scholarship Fund
(founded 2014)
Isacc Ribatzky (of blessed memory) (USA)
Contributors for scholarships and other needs – July 15, 2016 –July 28, 2017
(Contributions over $ 1,000)
Azrieli Foundation (Canada-Israel)
The Beracha Foundation (Israel)
Bloomberg Philanthropy EMEA in Honor of Gil Shiva (England)
Patrick and Lina Drahi Foundation (Switzerland)
Anonymous (USA)
Hauptdelegierter des KKL Jerusalem für Deutschlan (Germany)
The Dalia and Eli Hurvitz Foundation Ltd. (cc) (Israel)
Gil Shiva, the Susan S. Shiva Foundation in Honor of Kirk Douglas’s 100 birthday (USA)
State of Israel Ministry of Culture and Sport, Cultural Directorate (Israel)
Raya Strauss Bendror and Shmuel Bendror (Israel)
The Wolfson Family Charitable Trust (UK)
Anonymous (USA)
America-Israel Cultural Foundation (Israel)
Automotive Equipment Group (Israel)
Blavatnik Family Foundation (USA)
Nehama and Moshe Blonder (USA)
Anonymous (UK)
Sara Gelbard (USA)
The Daniel and Ethel Hamburger Music Fund, Harold and Sandy Levine, trustees, (USA)
ICA in Israel (Israel)
Thomases Family Endowment Fund c/o Youngstown Area Jewish Federation (USA)
Anonymous (USA)
Batya Kahane and Daniel Jusidman (USA)
Les Archets de la Paix (Ass. Loi 1901) (Geneva)
Malka and Amnon Lion, Arie (Maadim Ltd.) (Israel)
Amy and Richard Miller (USA)
Karin Moses (Israel)
The Royal College of Music London (UK)
Alexandra Shiva, Susan S. Shiva Foundation (USA)
Harriet Slivka, in memory of husband Abraham Slivka (USA)
Gregory Whitehead (UK)
Max and Pauline Zimmer Family Foundation (USA)
Orly and Shlomy Alexander (USA)
Nurit and Rick Amdur (USA)
Ronen and Zohar Barel (Israel)
Angelica Berry, The Russell Berrie Foundation, in honor of Batya Kahane (USA)
Jackie and Irving Blum (USA)
John Carey, in memory of his wife Harriet S. Carey (USA)
Adina Cohen and Arthur Cornfeld (USA)
Eptron Initiatives construction Ltd. (Israel)
Eitan and Malka Evan (USA)
Dorit and Shawn Evenhaim (USA)
Rachel Gottesman (Israel)
Yoav Gottesman (Israel)
Daniel Guggenheim, the Lewinsohn Morus Foundation (Switzerland)
Aaron Gutwirth Foundation (Israel)
Britt and Eli Harari (USA)
Harel Insurance & Finance (Israel)
Mira and Nathan Hevrony (USA)
Lottery Council for Culture and Arts (Israel)
Morris Kahn (Israel)
Joel Kassimir (USA)
Myrna and Isaac Kaye, Aimwell Charitable Trust (UK)
Etti and Michael Kenny, in memory of Varda and Ted (Isarel)
Eri Kroh (USA)
Alex Landesberg, Sano Bruno’s Enterprises Ltd. (Israel)
Avi Lerner (USA)
David and Sheryl Shark Matalon (USA)
Mateh Asher Regional Council (Israel)
John I. and Dr. Donna Raggio (USA)
Richard Roth (USA)
Susan Schwartz (USA)
Miri and Isaac Sepher (USA)
Benjamin Shani in honor of Yaell Agar (USA)
Myra and Smokey Simon (Israel)
Marilyn and James Simons MJS Foundation (USA)
Strauss Investments (1993) Ltd. (Israel)
Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality (Israel)
Anonymous (Israel)
Svetlana and Herb Wachtell (USA)
Naomi Yekutieli and family (Israel)
The YY Agar Family (Israel)
Ornit and Zvi Agmon (Israel)
Joyce and Avi Arad (USA)
Yardena Bar-Uryan, in memory of husband, father and grandfather, Meir Bar-Uryan (Israel)
Mercedes Bass, Mercedes T. Bass Charitable Corporation Elizabeth and Edward Berzin (USA)
Bonnie and John J. Boland in memory of Meir Bar-Uryan and Anita Bar-Uryan Boland (USA)
Rachel Gober (USA)
Betty and Gidi Grinstein (USA)
HRH Princess Firyal of Jordan (USA)
Kibbutz Eilon (Israel)
Mini Kopilov (Israel)
Heyson Leach (USA)
Eli Lederman (Israel)
Tsipi and Daniel Mani (USA)
Ellen and Bernard Marson (USA)
Celia and Jacob Michonik (Israel)
Meitav Dash (Israel)
Miluot Corporation (Israel)
Naty Saidoff (USA)
Irina and Rami Shalmor (Israel)
Yosef Simoly (USA)
Wendy Stark (USA)
Sharon and Michael Weiner (USA)
Stuart Winston (USA)
Maria and Jaime Aaron (Israel)
Tzafrira and Yehiel Admoni (Israel)
Danny and Michal Alpert (USA)
Doris and Mori Arkin (Israel)
Dan and Ilon Bavly (Israel)
Roger and Leslie Birnbaum (USA)
Rhona and Grover Burgan (USA)
David Cohen and Smadar Karni Cohen (Israel – UK)
Copytech office automation Ltd. (Israel)
DBS Satellite Services (1998) Ltd. (yes) (Israel)
Igal Dimant, in loving memory of his beloved wife Elfrieda (Israel)
Yossi Dina (USA)
Hanna and Marcel Doron (USA)
Michael Douglas (USA)
Eshel Aviv Ltd (Israel)
Sue and Lior Evan (USA)
Rivka Fabricant (Israel)
Bernard B. Franklin (USA)
Mark and Renee Freedman (USA)
Vadim and Angela Yoffe Gluzman, in memory of Meira Geyra (Israel)
Nili and William Gold (USA)
Cricket and Matkot Goldman, Mathilda Schwartz Goldman Trust(USA)
Janet Goldman (USA)
Stephen Graham (USA)
Louise Grunwald (USA)
Sarah and Uzi (Gutter) Davidson (Israel) Ross Haberman, the Haberman Foundation (USA)
Bank Hapoalim (USA)
Hava Harari, in memory of her beloved husband Zaphyr (Israel)
Shmuel and Anat Harlap (Israel)
Maria Cristina Anzola and John G. Heiman (USA)
Heide Herz (USA)
Ora Holin (Israel)
Housing & Construction – Holding Co., Ltd. (Israel)
Israel Discount Bank (Israel)
Maria and Armando Jinich (USA)
Nikita Kahn (USA)
Kislak Family Foundation, Inc. (USA)
Anat Kreiz (USA)
Beth and Norman Loberant (Israel)
Dalya and Edward Luttwak (USA)
Judith and Lipa Meshorer (Israel)
Adam and Gila Milstein (USA)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Israel)
Music and Opera Singers Trust Ltd. (Australia)
Ezri Namvar (USA)
Hugh Nelson (USA)
Lynn Nesbit Charitable Trust (USA)
Yehuda Ostrometzky (Israel)
Elizabeth Peabody (USA)
Judith and Abe Peled (USA)
Charles Perez (USA)
Lili and Reuben Peyser, Foundation for Development and Progress in memory of Sarah and Emanuel Racine (Israel)
Raquel Ramati (USA)
Dina Recanati (USA)
Lior Evan, Estate of Isacc Ribatzky (USA)
Miriam and Giora Romm (Israel)
Masako and David Rosen, The Rosen Family Foundation (USA)
Nina Rosenwald (Abstraction Fund) (USA)
Robert de Rothschild (USA)
Tova and Sami Sagol, Keter Plastic Ltd. (Israel)
Lane and Gina Balk Satnick (USA)
Eve and Adam Saunders (USA)
Janice and Jake Scherer (USA)
Amir Schiper (Israel)
Laura Schor (USA)
Avie Schrieber, in honor of Renee Schreiber (USA)
Renee and Avie Schrieber, in memory of Dov Sheba (USA)
Joel Klein and Nicole Seligman (USA)
Miri Shafir Navon (Israel)
Michael Stern in recognition of Vadim Gluzman and in memory of Meira Geyra (USA)
Eri Steimatzky (Israel)
Union Bank (Israel)
Lauren Veronis, The Lauren and John Veronis Foundation (USA)
Viola (Israel)
Barbara and John Vogelstein (USA)
Marian Williams (USA)
Natalie Wizman (USA)
Melvin Zeller (USA)
Doris and Mori Arkin (Israel)
Anat and Shmuel Harlap (Israel)
Sara Ronly-Riklis (Israel)
Shafran (Israel)
Special Donations
Winter Festival
Avremi Adamov (Israel)
Tzafrira and Yehiel Admoni (Israel)
Orit Alster, Discount Bank (Israel)
Lina Amarilio-Weiss (Israel)
Yoav and Doris Arad (Sweden)
Doris and Mori Arkin (Israel)
Yossi Ashkenazi and Nurit Dagan (Israel)
Lilach Asher-Topilsky, Discount Bank (Israel)
Naomi and David Asia, Nadir investments (Israel)
Avigdor Avni (Israel)
Sarah and Gabi Avitzur (Israel)
Dan and Elon Bavly (Israel)
Ruthi and Shmuel Bar-Or (Israel)
Zohar and Ronen Barel, E&Y (Israel)
Yardena Bar-Uryan (Israel)
Zehava and David Bider (Israel)
Natalie and Tzvika Birnbaum (Israel)
Ilan Birenfeld, Brightman Almagor Zohar & co (Israel)
David Boaz (Israel)
Nurith Bogner (Israel)
Yoav Burenstein (Israel)
Tzipa and Arik Carmon (Israel)
Hana and Motti Chemerinsky (Israel)
Edgar Cohen (Israel)
Amikam Cohen (Israel)
Smadar Karni Cohen (Israel)
Nurit Dagan and Yossi Ashkenazi (Israel)
Orly and Nochi Dankner (Israel)
Sara and Uzi (Guter) Davidson (Israel)
Shmuel Donerstein, Rav-Bariach Industries Ltd. (Israel)
Eti and Jack Elaad (Israel)
Rafael Edri (Israel)
Aliza Eshkol (Switzerland)
Shmuel Frenkel, Epsilon Investment House (Israel)
Michal and David Fuhrer (Israel)
Iris and Dr. Nitzan Fuhrer (Israel)
Shmuel Frenkel, Epsilon Investment House (Israel)
Ami Ganigar, Taya Investment Company Ltd. (Israel)
Tamar and Kuti Gavish, Danon Investments Ltd. (Israel)
Gili Masan Gidron (Israel)
Janice and Dan Gilerman (Israel)
Alison and Avi Goldberg (UK)
Danny Goldstein (Israel)
Yoav Gottesman (Israel)
David Granot (Israel)
Hana and Gideon Hamburger, Harel Insurance and Finance (Israel)
Yair Hamburger, Meh Fund (Israel)
Anat and Shmuel Harlap (Israel)
Alex and Ester Hartmann (Israel)
Ruthy and Alon Hertzikowitz, Eshel-aviv Ltd. (Israel)
Ora Holin, in memory of husband Gidon Holin (Israel)
Zeev Holtzman, Giza investment fund (Israel)
Racheli Idelman (Israel)
Irit and Orni Izakson (Israel)
Judith and Roni Katzin (Israel)
Tzipi and Ephraim Kaunda (Israel)
Etti and Michael Kenny (Israel)
Miri and Avi Kerbs (Israel)
Rayek Khoury (Israel)
David Klein (Israel)
Anonymous (Israel)
Barbara and Boris Krasny, Policy (Israel)
Yaffa Krayndel (Israel)
Kineret and Itzhak Krispin (Israel)
Yossi and Nirit Kucik, Kucik Entrepreneurship and Management Consulting Ltd. (Israel)
Malka and Amnon Lion, in memory of Sister Ziva Lamdan (Israel)
Liora and Elli Landau (Israel)
Yehudit and Uriel Lynn (Israel)
Celia and Jack Michonik (Israel)
Zipi Morvai and Zeev Sharf (Israel)
Giora Morag and Niva Lanir (Israel)
Rachel and Gabriel Last (Israel)
Eli Lederman (Israel)
Yaacov and Shani Lichter (Israel)
Beth and Norman Loberant (Israel)
Irma and Avi Michaeli (Israel)
Erez Meltzer (Israel)
Natalie and Arik Moshe (Israel)
Avner Naveh, Mayatec Investments Ltd. (Israel)
Rina and Moshe Oettinger (Israel)
Cigal and Doron Ofer (Israel)
Gabi and Yehuda Ostrometzki (Israel)
Tamar and Yehuda Ravhe (Israel)
Shira Raz (Israel)
Kerry and Eytan Rechter (Israel)
Lior Reitblatt (Israel)
Miriam and Giora Romm (Israel)
Tova and Sami Sagol, Keter Plastic (Israel)
Rephaela Sarel Primmer and Ron Sarel (Israel)
Vikki and David Schlachet (Israel)
Irina and Rami Shalmor (Israel)
Yochie and Itzik Sharam (Israel)
Itzik Sharir (Israel)
Gilad and Ruti Sheba (Israel)
Naama and Igal Shefer (Israel)
Muki and Ronit Shneydman, Zur Shamir Holdings Ltd. (Israel)
Tammy and Ory Slonim (Israel)
Israela Stier-Einstein (Israel)
Dalia and Avi Swartzberd (Israel)
David Tadmor (Israel)
Moshe and Irit Theumim, Gitam (Israel)
Yael Ravhon-Timor and Yossi Dayan (Israel)
Nira Toledano (Israel)
Martha and Eli Vinberg (Israel)
Avigdor Vollnitz and Michal Bat Or (Israel)
Orit and Eyal Yefet (Israel)
Michal and Dov Yoffe (Israel)
Seats in the Bar -Uryan Concert Hall
Nurit and Rick Amdur (USA)
Eitan and Malka Evan (USA)
Joel Kassimir (USA)
Eri Kroh (USA)
John and Dr. Donna Raggio (USA)
Teacher Fund
Robert Bernstein (USA)
Richard Cohen (USA)
Patricia Duff (USA)
Terence Eagleton (USA)
Sue and Lior Evan (USA)
David Gitlin (USA)
Heide Herz (USA)
Maria and Armando Jinich (USA)
Jacob and Celia Michonik (USA)
Shirley Rosenthal (USA)
Nina Rosenwald, Abstraction Fund (USA)
Faye Wattleton (USA)
Sponsors of concerts in the Keshet Eilon Concert Series
Dorit and Shawn Evenhaim (USA)
Avraham and Michal Kadar (USA)
David and Sheryl Shark Matalon (USA)
Miri and Isaac Sepher (USA)
Gil Shiva, the Susan S. Shiva Foundation,
in honor of Tzipi and Daniel Mani (USA)
Gil Shiva, the Susan S. Shiva Foundation (USA)
Yosef Simoly (USA)
Violin classes for Arab children in Israel
John Carey (USA)
Adina Cohen and Arthur Cornfeld (USA)
HRH Princess Firyal of Jordan (USA)
Avraham and Michal Kadar (USA)
Richard Roth (USA)
Susan Schwartz (USA)
Alexandra, the Susan S. Shiva Foundation (USA)
Gil Shiva, the Susan S. Shiva Foundation (USA)
Svetlana and Herbert Wachtell Foundation (USA)
Anonymous (USA)
Art Works
Mordechai Ferder (USA)
Joyce and Avi Arad (USA)
Irving Blum (USA)
Sharon and Michael Weiner (USA)
Orly and Shlomy Alexander (USA)
Avraham and Michal Kadar (USA)
Heyson Leach (USA)
Tsipi and Daniel Mani (USA)
Alexandra, the Susan S. Shiva Foundation (USA)
Gil Shiva, the Susan S. Shiva Foundation (USA
An outdoor bench in the campus
Igal Dimant, in loving memory of his beloved wife Elfrieda (Israel)
Avie Schrieber in Honor of Renee Schreiber (USA)
Renee and Avie Schrieber in memory of Dov Sheba
Group Donation
From friends of Yossi Schiffmann in honor of his birthday
Honorary Donors for Building and Development
We salute the following donors for their steadfast support and confidence in helping build and develop Keshet Eilon from its early years until today by funding
the construction of the concert hall and the artists villas (2001), the music library tower (2002), the plaza and landscaping project (2007), the upgraded lighting
and renovation of buildings (2014), and the construction of the dormitories, the cafeteria and the acoustic shell (2014-2015) in the new campus:
Isacc Ribatzky (of blessed memory) (USA)
Patrick and Lina Drahi Foundation (Switzerland-Israel)
Raya Strauss Bendror (Israel)
The Mark Rich Foundation for Education, Culture and Welfare (Lucerne, Switzerland)
State of Israel Ministry of Culture and Sport, Cultural Directorate (Israel)
Havatzeleth, Cultural and Educational Institutes of Hashomer Hatzair (Israel)
The Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation (Israel)
ICA in Israel (Israel)
Beracha Foundation (Israel)
Ami (of blessed memory) and Gabi Brown (Israel)
Rochke and Mundek Furer (Israel)
Anonymous (USA)
Keren Hayesod (Israel)
Eitan and Malka Evan (USA)
Alexandra Shiva, The Susan S. Shiva Foundation, in honor of Charlie Siem (USA)
Donors for renovation and equipment for Keshet Eilon facilities
Nomi and Baruch Ivcher (Peru)
Harriet Slivka, in memory of husband Abraham Slivka (USA)
Yardena Bar-Uryan (Israel), in memory of Meir Bar-Uryan
Terry Magnin, In memory of her Grandfather, the renowned violinist, Misha Elman (USA)
Dana Mack Prinz, In memory of her Grandfather, the renowned violinist, Misha Elman (USA)
Bonnie and John Boland (USA)
Livio and Neva Steindler (Israel)
John A. Carey (USA), in memory of his wife Harriet S. Carey
Myra and Smoky Simon (Israel), in memory of the 11 slain Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics, and in memory of Shula and Cyril Legum
Anonymous (Israel)
Gil Shiva, The Susan S. Shiva Foundation (USA)
Josabeth Fribourg (USA)
Alexandra Shiva, The Susan S. Shiva Foundation (USA)
Karin Moses (Israel), in memory of Adela and Shmuel Schieber; Amalia Gruenfeld née Schieber and Eduard Gruenfeld; Sara and Chaim Sheba; Dora and
Benjamin Sheba; Esther and Dov Sheba
Marion and Ron Aufsseesser (Switzerland)
Judith and Avraham (Abe) Peled (Israel-USA)
Yardena Bar-Uryan (Israel), in memory of Meir Bar-Uryan
Sara (Guter) and Uzi Davidson (Israel)
Eli Lederman (Israel); Judith and Lipa Meshorer (Israel), in memory of Meir Bar-Uryan
Doris and Yoav Arad (Sweden)
Zelma and Norbert Rubinstein (Israel)
Rivka and Reuven Abel (Israel)
Tzafrira and Yehiel Admoni (Israel)
Joni and Rami Burstein (USA), in memory of his parents Hanka and David Burstein
Richard Cohen (USA), in memory of Mona Ackerman
Merav and Ron Davidson (Israel)
Jordana Fribourg (USA)
Sara Gelbard (USA)
Nira and Reuven Hasak (Israel)
Niva Lanir and Giora Morag (Israel)
Miri and Itzhak Lent-Sharir (Israel)
Edna Liftman (Israel), in memory of Dr. Yehuda Liftman
Malka and Amnon Lion (Israel), in memory of sister Ziva Lamdan
Hanna and Rafi Malka (Israel)
Lea Mandelzis and Yoram Blizovsky (Israel)
Samuel Peabody (USA)
Fania and Reuven Rashkovsky (Canada)
Miriam and Giora Romm (Israel)
Nina Rosenwald, Abstraction Fund (USA)
Carol and Lawrence Saper (USA)
Gabriela Shalev and Uzi Levi (Israel)
Liora and Aki Shavit (Israel)
Levana and David Shemla (Israel)
Rena and Richard Stein, Dorsatal Ltd. (Israel)
Smadar, Amatzia and Ohad Yeger (Israel)
Fifteen-Year Scholarship Fund (founded 2014)
Isacc Ribatzky (of blessed memory) (USA)
Contributors for Scholarships and other needs – July 25, 2015 – July 15, 2016
(Contributions over $ 1,000)
Anonymous (UK)
Bank Hapoalim, Poalim for the Community (Israel)
The Dorset Foundation (UK)
Patrick and Lina Drahi Foundation (Switzerland-Israel)
Fridolin Foundation (USA)
The Dalia and Eli Hurvitz Foundation Ltd. (cc) (Israel)
Morris Kahn (Israel)
State of Israel Ministry of Culture and Sport, Cultural Directorate (Israel)
Gil Shiva, the Susan S. Shiva Foundation (USA)
Raya Strauss Bendror and Shmuel Bendror (Israel)
Max and Pauline Zimmer Family Foundation (USA)
Anonymous (USA)
The Blavatnik Family Foundation (USA)
Goei Dexter (Switzerland)
Eitan and Malka Evan (USA)
Sara Gelbard (USA)
The Daniel and Ethel Hamburger Music Fund, Harold and Sandy Levine, trustees, (USA)
Anonymous (USA)
Batya Kahane and Daniel Jusidman (USA)
Linda Lee (USA-Belgium)
Malka and Amnon Lion, in memory of Sister Ziva Lamdan (Israel)
Terry Mack Magnin, in memory of her grandfather, renowned violinist Misha Elman (USA)
Karin Moses (Israel)
Abe and Judith Peled (USA)
Dana Mack Prinz, in memory of her grandfather, renowned violinist Misha Elman (USA)
Mehra and David Riemer (Switzerland)
Alexandra Shiva, the Susan S. Shiva Foundation (USA)
Harriet Slivka (USA), in memory of husband Abraham Slivka Lya Stern and Andrew Weiss, in memory of Joseph and Irene Weiss (USA)
The Royal College of Music, London (UK)
Naomi Yekutieli and family (Israel)
Nehama and Moshe Blonder (USA)
Angelica Berry, in memory of the parents of Batya Kahane – Charlotte and Itzhak Kahane (USA)
John Carey, in memory of his wife Harriet S. Carey (USA)
Yvonne Cohen and family, in memory of Barry Cohen (USA)
Adina Cohen and Arthur Cornfeld (USA)
Michael Douglas (USA)
HRH Princess Firyal of Jordan (USA)
Rachel Gottesman (Israel)
Yoav Gottesman (Israel)
Daniel Guggenheim, the Lewinsohn Morus Foundation (Switzerland)
Aaron Gutwirth Foundation (Israel)
Britt and Eli Harari, the Harari Family Fidelity Charitable Fund (USA)
Joel Kassimar (USA)
Myrna and Isaac Kaye, Aimwell Charitable Trust (UK)
Kenny Family, in memory of Varda Kenny (Israel)
Lottery Council for Culture & Arts (Israel)
Mateh Asher Regional Council (Israel)
Amy and Richard Miller (USA)
Miluot Corporation (Israel)
Marilyn and James Simons, MJS Foundation (USA)
Strauss Investments (1993) Ltd. (Israel)
Frederique and Raymond Svider (USA)
Tel-Aviv-Jaffa Municipality (Israel)
Thomases Family Endowment (Youngstown Area Jewish Federation) (USA)
Mary Kay Jezzini and Jeffrey Thomases (USA)
Adelina Restaurant (Israel)
Yael and Yoram Agar (Isarel)
Ornit and Zvi Agmon (Israel)
Dan and Ilon Bavly (USA)
Bonnie and John Boland (USA), in memory of Meir Bar-Uryan and Anita Bar-Uryan Boland Mary Sharp Cronson, Evelyn Sharp Foundation (USA)
Ariel Halperin and Yael Ibinsky (Israel)
Harel Insurance & Finance (Israel)
David Cohen and Smadar Karni Cohen (Israel-UK)
The Landesberg family, Sano Bruno’s Enterprises, Ltd. (Israel)
Gregg Seibert (USA)
Anonymous (Israel)
Israel Corp. (Israel)
Ellen and Tzvi Stepak, Maya Holdings (Ye’elim) Ltd. (Israel)
Maria and Jaime Aaron (Israel)
Orly and Shlomi Alexander (USA)
Amir Schipper (Israel)
Yardena Bar-Uryan (Israel)
Louise and Josef Berman (Israel)
Itzik Bosidan, Pai Confectionery (Israel)
Rhona and Grover Burgan (USA)
Rami and Joni Burstein (USA)
Tzipa and Arik Carmon (Israel)
Edgar Cohen (Israel)
Copytech office automation Ltd. (Israel)
Sara and Uzi (Guter) Davidson (Israel)
Merav and Ron Davidson (Israel)
DBS Satellite Services (1998) Ltd. (yes) (Israel)
Hanna and Marcel Doron, Daniel restaurant (USA)
Oded and Rachel E’Dan (USA)
Eldan (Isarel)
Sue and Lior Evan (USA)
Excellence (Israel)
E&Y Israel (Israel)
Ella and Oded Gera (Israel)
Nili and William Gold (USA)
Caroline Harris and Howard Goldman (Goldman Harris LLC) (USA)
Janet Goldman, in loving memory of her sweetheart and husband Tony Goldman (USA)
Anonymous (Israel)
Betty and Gidi Grinstein (USA)
Nina Griscom (USA)
Judy and Nehemia Hasak (USA)
Din Heimann (USA)
Heide Herz (USA)
Nathan Hevrony (USA)
Tamara Hirschl Snyder (USA)
Ora Holin, in memory of husband Gidon Holin (Israel)
John G. Heimann and Maria Christina Anzola (USA)
The Kalinsky Family, in memory of their mother Shula Prihar (USA)
Kibbutz Eilon (Israel)
Kislak Family Foundation (USA)
Joel Klein and Nicole Seligman (USA)
Paul Kolbusz (USA)
Gillian Zackhman and Ray Korins (USA)
Norman and Beth Loberant (Israel)
Shanny Luria and Yaacov Lichter (USA)
Dalya and Edward Luttwak (USA)
Ellen and Bernard Marson (USA)
Celia and Jack Michonik (Israel)
Hava and Menahem Navot (USA)
Lynn Nesbit (USA)
Kobi Offer and Dalia Offer (USA)
Gabi and Yehuda Ostromtzki (Israel)
Samuel Peabody (USA)
Elizabeth Peabody (USA)
Poleg Retirement Village (Israel)
Rabinovich Foundation for Art, Tel Aviv (Israel)
Donna and John Raggio (USA)
Raquel Ramati (USA)
Diane Recanati (USA)
Isacc Ribatzky Legacy, Lior Evan (USA)
Peter Riegert (USA)
Stephen and Pilar Crespi Robert (USA)
Nina Rosenwald (Abstraction Fund) (USA)
Trustees Association Rotary Club Tel Aviv (Israel)
Richard Roth, Richard Roth Foundation (USA)
Shafran Consultancy & Management Ltd (Israel)
Laura Schor (USA)
Renee and Avie Schreiber (USA)
Ronit and Muki Shneydman, Zur Shamir Holdings Ltd. (Israel)
Myra and Smoky Simon (USA)
Liora Sternberg (USA)
Reuven Tzarmos (Israel)
Union Bank of Israel (Israel)
Barbara and John Vogelstein (USA)
Svetlana and Herbert Wachtell (USA)
Barbara Walters (USA)
Gregory Whitehead (USA)
Marian Williams (USA)
Melvin Zeller (USA)
Special Donations
Winter Festival
Avremi Adamov (Israel)
Tzafrira and Yehiel Admoni (Israel)
Lina Amarilio-Weiss (Israel)
Sarah and Gabi Avitzur (Israel)
Avigdor Avni (Israel)
Ruthi and Shmuel Bar-Or (Israel)
Ronen Barel (Israel)
Yardena Bar-Uryan (Israel)
Zehava and David Bider (Israel)
David Boaz (Israel)
Nurith Bogner (Israel)
Yoav Burenstein (Israel)
Tzipa and Arik Carmon (Israel)
Edgar Cohen (Israel)
Amikam Cohen (Israel)
Smadar Karni Cohen (Israel)
Sara and Uzi (Guter) Davidson (Israel)
Eti and Jack Elaad (Israel)
Aliza Eshkol (Switzerland)
Ami Ganigar, Taya Investment Company Ltd. (Israel)
Tamar and Kuti Gavish, Danon Investments Ltd. (Israel)
Yoav Gottesman (Israel)
David Granot (Israel)
Yair Hamburger, M.A.H. Fund (Israel)
Ora Holin, in memory of husband Gidon Holin (Israel)
Irit and Orni Izakson (Israel)
Carmela and David Klein (Israel)
Yaffa Krayndel (Israel)
Kineret and Itzhak Krispin (Israel)
Yossi and Nirit Kucik, Kucik Entrepreneurship and Management Consulting Ltd. (Israel)
Malka and Amnon Lion, in memory of Sister Ziva Lamdan (Israel)
Celia and Jack Michonik (Israel)
Giora Morag and Niva Lanir (Israel)
Avner Naveh, Mayatec Investments Ltd. (Israel)
Gabi and Yehuda Ostromtzki (Israel)
Shira Raz (Israel)
Lior Reitblatt (Israel)
Miriam and Giora Romm (Israel)
Vicky and David Schlachet (Israel)
Muki and Ronit Shneydman, Zur Shamir Holdings Ltd. (Israel)
Nira Toledano (Israel)
Martha and Eli Weinberg (Israel)
Art Works
Robert Bernstein (USA)
Heide Herz (USA)
Robert Kaner (USA)
Barbara Walters (USA)
Sculpture Donation
Yael Artzi (Israel)
Seminars That Foster String Study in Israel
The Dalia and Eli Hurvitz Foundation Ltd. (cc) (Israel)
Assistance in Marketing
Raya Strauss Bendror and Shmuel Bendror (Israel)
Subsidizing a concert in the “Sounds of Keshet Eilon” series
Anonymous (USA)
Batya Kahane and Daniel Jusidman (USA)
Miluot Corporation (Israel)
Anonymous (USA), in honor of
Raquel Ramati
Seats in the Bar -Uryan Concert Hall
Angelica Berry, in memory of the parents of Batya Kahane, Charlotte and Itzhak Kahane, (USA)
John Carey, in honor of Gilad Sheba and his family (USA)
Yvonne Cohen (USA), in memory of Barry Cohen (USA)
Goei Dexter (Switzerland)
Michael Douglas, in honor of Kirk Douglas (USA)
Joel Kassimir (USA)
Alexandra Shiva (USA)
Gil Shiva, in honor of Mrs. Kirk Douglas (USA)
Raymond and Frederique Svider (USA)
Jeff Thomases, in memory of his parents
Florence and Fred Thomases (USA)
Andrew and Sharon Weiss, in memory of their parents Joseph and Irene Weiss (USA)
Violin training for Arab children in Israel
Adina Cohen and Arthur Cornfeld (USA)
HRH Princess Firyal of Jordan (USA)
Anonymous (USA)
Gil Shiva (USA)
Anonymous (USA)
An outdoor bench in the campus
Sue and Lior Evan (USA)
Sara Gelbard (USA)
Yvette Pomerantz (USA)
Outdoor Signage
Richard Cohen (USA)
Arthur Dreyfuss (USA)
Anonymous (USA)
John G. Heimann (USA)
David Klein (USA)
Maya and Gil Kovalsky (USA)
Hadassah Shani (USA)
Gil Shiva (USA)
Donors and Supporters of the Keshet Eilon Music Center, 1990-2015
Isacc Ribatzky (of blessed memory) (USA)
Patrick and Lina Drahi Foundation PLFA (Switzerland-Israel)
Raya Strauss Bendror (Israel)
The Mark Rich Foundation for Education, Culture and Welfare (Lucerne, Switzerland)
State of Israel Ministry of Culture and Sport, Cultural Directorate (Israel)
Havatzeleth, Cultural and Educational Institutes of Hashomer Hatzair (Israel)
The Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation (Israel)
Gil Shiva, The Susan S. Shiva Foundation (USA)
ICA in Israel (Israel)
Max and Pauline Zimmer family Foundation (USA)
The Slivka Family Foundation (USA)
The Ted Arison Family Foundation (Israel)
Beracha Foundation (Israel)
Angeica, Berrie – The Russell Berrie Foundation Inc. (USA)
Evelyn Birkenfeld (of blessed memory) Foundation (USA)
The Blavatnik Family Foundation (USA)
Nehama and Moshe Blonder (USA)
Ami (of blessed memory) and Gabi Brown (Israel)
The Royal College of Music, London (UK)
The Dorset Foundation (UK)
Anonymous (USA)
Mathilda Goldman Schwartz Trust (USA)
Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation, Inc (USA)
Aaron Gutwirth Fundation (Israel)
The Daniel and Ethel Hamburger Music Fund, Sandy and Harold Levine, trustees (USA)
Naomi and Baruch Ivcher (Peru)
Morris Kahn (Israel)
Myrna and Isaac Kaye, Aimwell Charitable Trust (UK)
State of Israel Legacy Foundation (Israel)
Bank Hapoalim (Israel)
Harold (of blessed memory) and Tamar Snyder-Hirsch (USA-Israel)
Strauss Investments (1993) Ltd. (Israel)
Max and Pauline Zimmer family Foundation (USA)
America-Israel Cultural Foundation (Israel)
Bonnie and John Boland (USA)
The Britto Foundation (USA)
John Carey (USA)
Robert de Rothschild (USA)
Eastronics Ltd (Israel)
Malka and Eitan Evan (USA)
Josabeth Fribourg (USA)
Rochke and Mundek Furer (Israel)
Sara Gelbard (USA)
The Goldhirsh Foundation (USA)
Ruthi and Yoav Gottesman (Israel)
The Dalia and Eli Hurvitz Foundation Ltd. (cc) (Israel)
Anonymous (USA)
Keren Hayesod United Israel Appeal (Israel)
Sarah Kier and Dorothy Somekh of Halstead Property (USA)
Harold Klein (USA)
Yaffa and Eyal Levy (USA)
Malka and Amnon Lion (Israel)
Matteh Asher Regional Council (Israel)
Nathan Hevrony (USA)
Judith and Avraham Peled (Abe) (Israel-USA)
Isacc Ribatzky (of blessed memory), 15 year Scholarship Foundation (USA)
Alexandra Shiva, the Susan S. Shiva Foundation (USA)
Myra and Smoky Simon (Israel)
Jeffrey Thomases (USA)
H.I.L. Tushiya Consulting Ltd (Israel)
Yad Hanadiv Foundation (Israel)
Naomi Yekutieli (Israel)
Yehuda Zisapel (Israel)
Dan and Ilon Bavly (USA)
Neta Boxenbaum Charity Foundation (Israel)
Yvonne Cohen and her family (USA)
Adina Cohen and Arthur Cornfeld (USA)
The Double H Foundation Inc. (USA)
Melvin Dubin (USA)
HRH Princess Firyal of Jordan (USA)
Nili and William Gold (USA)
Rachel Gottesman (USA)
Daniel Guggenheim, the Lewinsohn Morus Foundation (Switzerland)
Britt and Eli Harari, the Harari Family Fidelity Charitable Fund (USA)
Karny and Phillip Hlavin (Israel)
The Jewish Agency for Israel (Israel)
Batya Kahane and Daniel Jusidman (USA)
Smadar Karni and David Cohen, the Sheila and Dennis Cohen Charitable Trust (UK)
Joseph and Krystina Kasirer Foundation (Israel)
Connie and Harvey Krueger (USA)
Anat and Sandy Koifman (Switzerland)
The Landesberg family, Sano Bruno’s Enterprises, Ltd. (Israel)
Israel Lottery Council for the Arts (Israel)
The Luttman family (USA)
Dalya and Edward Luttwak (USA)
Svetlana Shmuelovitz Marson (Israel)
Mey Eden, Eden Springs Ltd. (Israel)
Miluot, Corporation for the Development of Haifa Bay Settlements Ltd (Israel)
Moezinia Family (UK)
Northern Lloyd GMBH Insurance Services (Germany)
Sara Pinsky (USA)
Sunny and Abe Rosenberg Foundation Inc. (USA)
Nina Rosenwald, The Abstraction Fund (USA)
Zelma and Norbert Rubinstein (Israel)
Dov Sachter (USA)
Renee and Avram Schreiber (USA)
Charlie Siem (Norway-UK)
SHL Telemedicine Ltd (Israel)
Anonymous (UK)
Strauss Dairies Ltd (Israel)
Tarbut LeIsrael (Israel)
Teva – Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (Israel)
The Late Florence and Fred Thomases (USA)
Svetlana and Herbert Wachtell (USA)
Anonymous (UK)
Marian Williams (USA)
The Wolfson Family Charitable Trust (UK)
Melvin Zeller (USA)
Anonymous (USA)
Elaine and Myron Adler (USA)
Ornit and Zvi Agmon (Israel)
Nicole S. and Raanan A. Agus (USA)
Doris and Yoav Arad (Sweden)
A. Atermann Insurance Brokers (Germany)
Herbert and Evelyn Axelrod (USA)
Aya Azrielant (USA-Israel)
Yardena and Meir (of blessed memory)
Bar-Uryan (Israel)
BIARTS-British Israeli Arts Training Scheme (UK-Israel)
Susi Bradfield (of blessed memory) (USA)
Nitza and Yoram Buchner (Israel)
Marilyn and Harry (of blessed memory) Cagin Philanthropic Fund (USA)
Racheli and Ami (of blessed memory) Caspi (Israel)
Check Point (Israel)
Edgar Cohen (France)
Davidoff, Insurance Brokers (1989) Ltd (Israel)
Sara (Guter) and Uzi Davidson (Israel)
Tytte and Lillemor Mindelegat Fauerschous (Denmark)
Susan and Robert Gassman (USA)
Tony (of blessed memory) and Janet Goldman (USA)
Rachel and Nick Gould (UK)
Sonija Grodzensky Foundation (Israel)
Anonymous (Israel)
Oren and Tal Heiman (USA)
Maria Cristina Anzola and John Heimann (USA)
IDB Foundation Inc. (USA)
Discount Bank Ltd (Israel)
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Division of Cultural and Scientific Affairs (Israel)
K.C. Shasha Charitable Foundation (Liechtenstein)
Klarman Family Foundation (USA)
Miriam (Mini) Kopilo (Israel-England)
Ann and Gary Koritzinsky (USA)
Stephen (of blessed memory) and Maribelle Leavitt, Leavitt Family Trust (USA)
Mira Levenson, Mann Family Foundation (USA)
The Magi Foundation (Israel)
Ellen and Bernard Marson (USA)
Vladimir Merson (UK)
Amy and Richard Miller (USA)
Mizrachi-Tefahot Bank (Israel)
Nazee and Jo Moinian (USA)
Karin Moses (Israel)
Lynn Nesbit (USA)
Aviva and Sami (of blessed memory) Ofer (England)
Gabi and Yehuda Ostromtzki (Israel)
Aviva and Elias Panush-Bendriham (Switzerland)
Samuel Peabody (USA)
Michael Peled-Plaschkes (Israel)
Martin Peretz (USA)
The Foundation for Development and Progress, in memory of Sara and Emanuel Racine (Israel)
Marvin Rappaport (USA)
Pilar and Stephen Robert (USA)
Sara Ronly-Riklis (Israel)
Masako and David Rosen (USA)
Richard Roth Foundation (USA)
Bernard Sabrier (Switzerland)
Edmond Safra (USA-France)
SanDisk Corporation (USA)
Ana and Eli (of blessed memory) Schalit (Israel)
Laura Schor (USA)
The Shani family (Israel)
The Evelyn Sharp Foundation (USA)
Basil Sherman (UK)
Katherine G. Farley and Jerry I. Speyer (USA)
Judy and Michael Steinhardt (USA)
Lya and Larry Stern (USA)
Ian Stoutzker (UK)
Ofra Strauss (Israel)
Sandy Chilewich and Joseph Sultan (USA)
The late Moshe Tchizik (Israel)
Ministry of Tourism, Events Department (Israel)
UBANK (Israel)
Barbara and John Vogelstein (USA)
The Georg Waechter Memorial Foundation (Switzerland)
Ruth and Paul Wallach (Switzerland)
Michael Webber (UK)
Linda and Fred Yoo (Belgium)
Varda and Shalom (of blessed memory) Yoran (USA)
Henri Zimand (Israel)
Mona (of blessed memory) Ackerman (USA)
Agassi Family (USA)
Richard Alter (USA)
Arthur Altschul (USA)
Amraz Packaging Ltd (Israel)
Marion and Ron Aufseesser (Switzerland)
Bank Leumi Le-Israel Ltd (Israel)
The Barclay Jewish Trust (UK)
Miriam and Irving Barr (USA)
Sid Bass (USA)
Maria Jose and Alex Berenstein (USA)
Louise and Josef Berman (Israel)
Terry Blair (USA)
Orit and Ronen Bojmel (USA)
Jeremie Bonnin (Switzerland)
Anonymous (USA)
Janet and Robert Briner (Switzerland)
Miriam (of blessed memory) and Adrian Bruck (UK)
Gustavo Cisneros (USA)
Commercial and Industrial Club (Israel)
Nilli and Nathaniel de Rothschild (USA)
Hanna and Marcel Doron (USA)
Eldan (Israel)
Wells Fargo (USA)
Bilha Fish (USA)
Gadot Ltd (Israel)
Karin and Ian Fisher (UK)
Gandyr Ltd (Israel)
Patrice Giami (Israel)
Erika Gideon (Switzerland)
Smadar and Rami Goldstein (UK-Israel)
Joseph Grayzel M.D. (USA)
Victor Haghani (UK)
Hava and Zephyr Harari (Israel)
Judith and Nehemia Hasak (USA)
Nira and Reuven Hasak (Israel)
Heide Herz (USA)
Bathsheva Rifkin and Howard Hochster (USA)
Ora and Gideon (of blessed memory) Holin (Israel)
Housing & Construction Holding Co. Ltd (Israel)
Fred Howard (of blessed memory) (USA)
Hanna and Bernard Hyams (of blessed memory) (Israel)
The First International Bank of Israel Ltd. (Israel)
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Division of Cultural and Scientific Affairs (Israel)
Bonnie Kaye (USA)
Kenny Family (Israel)
Keren Hajessod Schweiz (Switzerland)
Jay Kislak Philanthropic Fund (USA)
Manja Kuy-Gideon (of blessed memory) (Switzerland)
Shula and Cyril (of blessed memory) Legum (Israel)
Rina and Nissim Levy (UK)
Elizabeth and Jan M. Lodal (USA)
Helge N. Loewenberg-Domp (Holland)
Dana Mack Prinz (USA)
Nancy and Howard Marks (USA)
Matteh Asher Economic Development Company & Tourism (Israel)
Maya Holdings (Yaalim) Ltd (Israel)
Jean and Martin Mensch (USA)
Celia and Jacob Michonik (Israel)
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP (USA)
Albert Nehama (Switzerland)
Ziv Nir (Israel)
Ofer Brothers Ltd (Israel)
Marlyn and Eyal Ofer (UK)
OSI-Russia Soros Foundation (Russia)
The Zemach and Anna Oyserman Foundation
(of blessed memory) (Israel)
P.E.F. Israel Endowment Foundation (USA)
Elizabeth Peabody (USA)
Tovi and Ami Plaskov (Israel)
Shulamit Prihar (of blessed memory) (Israel)
Yehoshua Rabinowitz Tel Aviv Foundation for the Arts (Israel)
Raquel Ramati (USA)
Dina Recanati (USA)
Lenny Recanati (Israel)
Republic National Bank of NY (Switzerland) Peter Riegert (USA)
Donna and Benjamin M. Rosen (USA)
Stephen Rosenberg (USA)
The Rotary Club of Tel Aviv Yafo (Israel)
Jack Rudin (Switzerland)
Carol and Lawrence Saper (USA)
Marge Scheuer (of blessed memory) (USA)
Adolph and Ruth Schnurmacher Foundation, Inc. (USA)
Schultz Family Foundation (USA)
Harold and Myra Shapiro (USA)
Jonathan Mark Sherman (USA)
Karen and Kristian Siem (Norway-UK)
Yvonne (of blessed memory) and Michael D. Silverman (USA)
Marilyn and James Simons (USA)
Axel Springer Stiftung (Germany)
Neva and Livio Steindler (Israel)
Beatrice Stern (USA)
Super-Pharm Ltd. (Israel)
Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality (Israel)
Tenram Investments Ltd., Yael and Ariel Halperin (Israel)
Lauren and John Veronis (USA)
Sir Stephen and Lady Waley-Cohen (UK)
Roth Warshauer Foundation (USA)
Hanne Wilhelm-Hansen Foundation (Denmark)
Yahel – Foundation in Memory of Leon Recanati (Israel)
Tzafrira and Yehiel Admoni (Israel)
Orly and Shlomi Alexander (USA)
Dr. Yael Almog-Zackai (Israel)
Dominique Ambrosetti (Switzerland)
Iddo Arad (USA)
Efi Arazi (Israel)
Jodi and John Arnhold, the Arnhold
Foundation (USA)
Doris and Mel Atlas (USA)
Tami and Menahem Atzmon (Israel)
Banque SCS Alliance SA (Switzerland)
Clair Beleskowitz (USA)
Lea Golan and Arnold M. Bengis (USA)
Michael Betesh (UK)
Robert L. Boehm (of blessed memory) (USA)
Jean A. Bonna (Switzerland)
Susanne and Rene Braginsky (Switzerland)
Erella Bregman (USA)
Andrea Botta (USA)
Carmel Ventures (Israel)
Shula and Arik Ceder (Israel)
Malka and Meyer Chen (UK)
Coca-Cola – Central Bottling Company Ltd (Israel)
Nina Cohen (USA)
Robert Couturier (USA)
Zehava Dellal (UK)
Nechama and Uri Dori (Israel)
Michael Douglas (USA)
Vivien Duffield (UK)
Rachel and Oded E’dan (USA)
Kibbutz Eilon Community (Israel)
Rita Eker (UK)
Bella Enav (Israel-UK)
Dr. Madeleine and Dr. Albert Erlanger (Switzerland)
Dina and Uri Evan (USA)
Arie Fishman (Israel)
Tova and Eliezer Fishman (Israel)
George and Rosamund Fokschaner (UK)
Children of the late Maria Folman Foundation (Israel)
Forvest Trust (Switzerland)
Irena Fridkin (Israel)
Jacqueline and Michael Gee (UK)
Gmul Investment Co. Ltd (Israel)
Sylvain Goldberg (Switzerland)
Carolyne Goodman (of blessed memory) (USA)
Goren R. Enterprise, Investments & Consulting Ltd. (Israel)
Maya Poirson and Daniel Guggenheim (Switzerland)
The Haifa Chamber Music Society (Israel)
Karin and Moti Hamama (Israel-UK)
Rabbi Arthur and Phyllis Hertzberg (of blessed memory) (USA)
Eva Holzer (USA)
Michal and Ehud Ilan (Israel)
Israel Corp. (Israel)
Mercedes Ivcher (USA)
Eileen Kaminsky (USA)
Joel Kassimar (USA)
Daniel Pinet and Jeffrey Keil (USA)
Stefi and Gil Kirschner-Schneider (USA)
Tamar and Jonathan Koifman (Switzerland)
Naomi Koolitz (Israel)
Eli Lederman (Israel)
The Levi Lassen Foundation (Holland)
Laurent Levy (Israel)
Beth and Norman Lubernet (Israel)
Hillary and Jeffrey Markowitz (USA)
Jean and Ken Marks (UK)
Michael Maron (USA)
Francine and Bernard Medoff (USA)
Yael Mer-Mejia (UK)
Barbara and Lew Meltzer (USA)
Judith and Lipa Meshorer (Israel)
Shlomo Mintz (USA)
Mirelis Advisors S.A. (Switzerland)
Lady Hannah Lowy and Lord Parry Andrew Mitchell (UK)
Niva Lanir and Giora Morag (Israel)
Louise Naftalin (UK)
Ezi Nahmad (UK)
The Nash Family Foundation (USA)
O.R.S.Overseas Representation Services Ltd (Israel)
Susanne Oberwager (USA)
Paz Littman (Israel)
Ruth and Hillel Peled (USA)
Jack Leroy Pelossof (UK)
Laura Pels (USA)
Roberta and Robert Perlman (UK)
Petach Tikva Non-Profit Support Foundation for Children (Israel)
Noam Pick (Israel)
Banque Privee de Rothchild SA (Switzerland)
Yossi and Dorit Ram (Israel)
Katharine and William Rayner (USA)
Cesar Rennert, Rennert International (USA)
Debbie and David Reuben (UK)
Casey and Abraham Ribicoff (USA)
Mehra and David Riemer (USA)
Miriam and Giora Romm (Israel)
Amir Schipper (Israel)
Aviva and Yehochai Schneider (Israel)
Alan and Ada Selwyn (Australia)
Baruch Shapira (Israel)
Victoria Sharp (UK)
Shoshi and Carmel Shashua (USA)
Levana and David Shemla (Israel)
Simon & Wiesel Insurance Agency Ltd. (Israel)
Mira and Benjamin Sofer (USA)
Solidaritats Werk des Irgun Olej Merkas Europa (Israel)
Amnon Sorek (Israel)
Marilyn and Simon Spier (UK)
Rosalyn and Nicholas Springer (UK)
Marisa and Ken Starr (USA)
Carolyn June Stopak (USA)
Arlene. C. Strelitz (Israel)
Ettie Studnik (USA)
Louise M. Sunshine and Martin Begum Philanthropic Foundation (USA)
Elaine Sussman (USA)
Talcar Corporation Ltd (Israel)
Judith and Alfred A. Taubman, Alfred Taubman Foundation (USA)
Micky and Adi Tiroche (UK)
Serge Tiroche (Israel)
Tivall Ltd. (Israel)
Olivier Vallat (Switzerland)
Nina and Walter Weiner (USA)
Ariela and Eitan Wertheimer (Israel)
Brigitte Wertheimer (USA)
Elaine and James Wolfensohn (USA)
Zahava Yariv (Israel)
Zfunot Tarbut for Art and Artists in Israel (Israel)
Marcia and Lenny Zigelbaum (USA)
Rivka and Reuven Abel (Israel)
Soldiers Welfare Association (Israel)
Alfred Akirov (Israel)
Kobi Alexander (USA)
Anna Cristina Alvarado (USA)
Naomi and Avraham Anaby (Israel-UK)
Joshua Angel (USA)
Aptowitzer Foundation for Haifa (Israel)
Odette and Shalom Ariav (Switzerland-UK)
Shari Arison (Israel)
Robert and Janice Atkin (UK)
Elaine Attias (USA)
Claudine Bacher, Susan Bacher Fund (USA)
Barbara and Gerson Baker (USA)
Dan Baker (USA)
Arik Bandel (UK-Israel)
Bank Leumi (UK)
Naomi and Eddy Barasch (USA)
Ora and Danny Bar-Gil (Israel)
Anne H. Bass (USA)
Mercedes T. Bass Charitable Corporation (USA)
Arlene Bearman (USA)
Shay Beitel (USA)
Julie and Alan Bekhor (UK)
Myriam and Leon Benusiglio (Switzerland)
Elayne Bernstein (USA)
Bezeq, Israel Telecommunication Corp. Ltd (Israel)
Abby and Art Bialer (USA)
Kenneth Bialkin (USA)
Gale and David Bindelglas (USA)
Barbara and Amiel Black (USA)
Debra and Leon Black (USA)
Terese Blum (of blessed memory) (Switzerland)
Herschel and Goldene Blumberg (USA)
Ziva and David Boaz (Israel)
Itzik Bosidan (Israel)
Mervyn and Helen Bradlow (UK)
Bobby and Rita Brainin (UK)
David Brand (USA)
Oded Brenner (USA)
Francis and Robin Briner (Switzerland)
Marilyn Brisman (USA)
Elliott Broidy (USA)
Laure Brolliet (Switzerland)
The Andrea and Charles Bronfman Fund (USA)
Jacqueline C. and Kenneth Brunetti (USA)
The Buchman Heyman Foundation (Israel)
Arnold Burns (USA)
Canada-Israel Cultural Foundation (Canada)
Cellcom Israel Ltd (Israel)
Mark Charendoff (USA)
Nerou Cheng (USA)
Lady Susan and Sir Trevor Chinn (UK)
Cisco Systems Inc. (Israel)
Richard Cohen (USA)
Ronald Cohen (UK)
Sharon and Ronald Cohen (UK)
Sheila and Dennis Cohen (UK)
Yaron Cohen (USA)
Florence Comite (USA)
Larry Condon (USA)
Caren and Arturo Constantiner (USA)
Phyllis and David Cook (USA)
Copytech Ltd (Israel)
Shimona Cowan (UK)
Daphna and Gerald Cramer (USA)
Licia and Michael Crystal (UK)
David and Gwynne Daks (USA)
Victor and Nina Danchenko (USA)
Meitav Dash (Israel)
Marion Davis (UK)
Mahi Degenring (Turkey-Germany)
Delta Galil Industries Ltd (Israel)
Alex and Katika Dembitz (Switzerland)
Carlos Dennis (USA)
Elana and Haviv Dim (Israel)
Georgina and Michael Djanogly (UK)
Susan and Eric Donner-Klein (USA)
Dorsatal Ltd. (Israel)
Anna and Kirk Douglas (USA)
Shlomit and Moshe Druker (Israel)
Patricia Duff (USA)
Orna and Daniel Edgar (UK)
Edna Liftman (Israel)
Mounia El Fituri (Switzerland)
Shoshi and Marc Eleini (Switzerland)
Eliakim Architects Ltd (Israel)
Caryl and Israel Englander (USA)
Ioana and Ahmet Ertegun (USA)
Sonia Escuriol (Switzerland)
Joe Esfandi (UK)
Atida and Haim Eylam (Israel)
Ilana Fayon (Switzerland)
Ria Feldman (Israel)
Alan and Priscilla Fenton (UK)
FIME-The Finnish Institute in the Middle East (Finland)
Jordanna Fribourg (USA)
Larisa and Igor Fuksman (UK)
Arnold Fulton (UK)
Galia Productions (Israel)
Galil Ma’aravi (1993) Transportation Company Ltd. (Israel)
Thomas Gallagher (USA)
Enrique Grebler (Switzerland)
Ronit Haimovitch and Garry Gershoni (Israel)
Sima and Morad Ghadamian (USA)
Vadim Gluzman (Israel)
Sarah and James Glyn (UK)
Carol and Hank Goldberg (USA)
Judy and Shlomo Goldberd (USA)
Linda and Mark Goldberg (UK)
Marianne and John Golieb (USA)
Sue and John Goott (USA)
Trudy and Bob Gottesman (USA)
Yves Gouzer (Switzerland)
Stephen Graham (USA)
Green Aid (UK)
The Harold Greenspon Foundation (USA)
Alexis Gregory (USA)
Nina Griscom (USA)
Barbara and Kurt Gronowski (USA)
Gilbert Grosjean (Switzerland)
Louise Grunwald (USA)
Emmanuel Gueroult (Switzerland)
Linda and Alan Haberman (USA)
Ross Haberman (USA)
Tali Hanoch (Israel)
Lilian and Michael Harris (UK)
Gordon and Ruth Hausmann (UK)
Arye and Ron Hecht (USA)
Robert Heuman (USA)
Samuel J. Heyman (USA)
Waring Hopkins (France)
Stephanie Hoppen (UK)
Tamar Horev (Israel)
Genie Gavenchak and Harvey Horowitz (USA)
Horst-Rahe Foundation in Rostock (Germany)
Howard P. Milstein Foundation (USA)
Lucie and Arthur Huser-Heymoz (Switzerland)
Donald Hyams (UK)
ICM Artists Ltd (USA)
Efraim Ilin (of blessed memory) (Israel)
Italian Cultural Center (Israel)
Lois and Jerry Jacobs (USA)
Peter Jakes (USA)
Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas (USA)
Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton (USA)
Jewish Federation of Omaha (USA)
The JKW Foundation (USA)
Olga Jusidman (USA)
Simon and Michael Kalfon (Switzerland)
Nitza and George Kanfer (UK)
Gilbert Kaplan (USA)
Neta and Yoram Karni (Israel)
Stella and Joe Kattan (Switzerland)
Marisa Bat Miriam & Alexander Katznelson (Israel)
Barbara and Ron Kaufman (USA)
Judith and Samuel Kellner (USA)
The Jewish National Fund (Israel)
The Kivelstadt Family (USA)
Nicole Seligman and Joel Klein (USA)
Murray Koffler (Canada)
Sara and Dick Koffman (USA)
Adina Kohn (UK)
Dov Kol (Switzerland)
Paul Kolbusz (USA)
Miri and Henry Kraft (Israel-UK)
Sharon and Sam Krengel (USA)
Deborah Lancaster (USA)
Peter Landesmann (Austria)
Mickey Cohen and Lee Langbaum (USA)
Jacques Laoui (Switzerland)
Fery and Pierre Lardy (Switzerland)
Evelyn and Leonard Lauder (USA)
Jouri and Yvette Lawi (Switzerland)
Kate Lear (USA)
Baruch Lederman (UK)
Caroline Lang and Bernard Legrand (Switzerland)
Wendy Leighton (UK)
Miri and Itzik Lent-Sharir (Israel)
David and Colleen Leof (USA)
Catherine Metzger and Philippe Leopold (Switzerland)
Gabriela Shalev and Uzi Levi (Israel)
Rosie M. Levin (UK)
Stanley and Rose Levy (USA)
Howard Lewis (UK)
Lea and Stanley Lewis (UK)
Sir Sydney and Lady Rosa Lipworth (UK)
Shirley Lord-Rosenthal (USA)
Marc Lowenberg (USA)
Lya Lynton (UK)
Carol and Earle Mack (USA)
Hana and Rafi Malka (Israel)
Barbara and Morton L. Mandel (USA)
Lea Mandelzis (Israel)
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Manuchehr (UK)
Jane Marland (Switzerland)
Eve and Harvey Masonek (USA)
Christopher D. McNally (USA)
Ilana and Uzzi Meirovitch (USA)
Ravit and Aviad Meitar (Israel)
Sonia J. Melrose (UK)
Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi (USA)
Shimon MizrahI (UK)
Bennett Modell (USA)
Sherine Azadi and Aram Moezinia (USA)
Moira and Michael Morris (USA)
Paula Mortara (Switzerland)
Joy and Stephen Moss (UK)
Ameila Mosseri (Israel-UK)
Bryan Naftalin (UK)
Guy Naggar (UK)
Sara and Daniel Nash (UK)
Ronnie and Arela Natas (UK)
Cecelia and Charles Nehme (Switzerland)
Fernanda W. Niven (USA)
Dalia and Kobi Offer (USA)
Sir Peter and Lady Ogden (UK)
Nili and Eitan Ora-Levy (USA)
Oryom, Inc. (USA)
Nadine and Pilippe Pachta (Switzerland)
Leehy and Izhar Packer (Israel)
V. Palladino (UK)
Susan and Alan Patricof (USA)
Aliza and Raanan Peleg (Israel-USA)
Lynn and Lewis Pell (USA)
Sasson and Marjorie Peress (USA)
Mimi and George Perlman (USA)
Susanne Perlman (UK)
Donna Perret (USA)
Yoram Petruschka (Israel)
Patircia Phelps de Cisneros (USA)
Lea and Arie Pickel (Israel)
Esti and Brian Pilkington (UK)
Deborah Oshri and Alon Pintel (USA)
The Polonsky Foundation (Israel)
Rosalind and Ronald Preston (UK)
Shoshana and David Rabinovich (Israel)
Gabriella Rabner-Gideon (Switzerland)
Frances and Abraham Rafael (UK)
Donna R. Kesselman and John Raggio (USA)
Danielle Ramati (USA)
Y.M. Rashal Holdings Ltd. (Israel)
Fania and Reuven Rashkovsky (Canada)
Märit and Hans Rausing (UK)
Ada and Dan Raveh (UK)
Pauline Recanati (UK)
Lois Ribicoff (USA)
Zack and Orli Rinat (USA)
Ronen America Foundation for the Advancement of Young Artists in Classical Music (USA)
William Rose (USA)
Nicole and Uzi Rosen (UK)
Abe Rosenthal (USA)
Tsvia (Zita) Rosenthal (USA)
Lenny Roth-Sanders (Switzerland)
Bonnie and Mitchell Rudin (USA)
Ilana and Reuven Sacher (USA)
Charles Samek (UK)
Ruth Satinsky-Sieber (Switzerland)
Flora Schnall (USA)
Avraham H. Schreiber (USA)
Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation (USA)
Schwob School of Music, Columbus State University (USA)
Daphna and Raymond Sehayek (UK-Switzerland)
Sara and Michael Sela (UK-Israel)
Seppo Seppala (Finland)
Liora and Aki Shavit (Israel)
Yitzchak Shavit (USA)
Ruti and Gilad Sheba (Israel)
Ilan Shellef (Israel)
Daisy and Moshe Shem-Tov (Israel-UK)
Lynn and Amnon Shiboleth (USA)
Andrew Shiva (USA)
Orna Shulman (USA)
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Siegel (UK)
Paul Silberberg (USA)
Eve and Michael Silver (UK)
Judy and Andrew Silver (UK)
Leah Silver (UK)
Robert Silvers (USA)
The Simcha Foundation (USA)
Alan B. Slifka Foundation Inc (USA)
Joel E Smilow (USA)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Smouha (UK)
Carole Solomon Foundation (USA)
Flora and Peter Soros (UK)
Stuart Spiegel (UK)
Sara and Avie Stein (USA)
Nathan Steinberg (UK)
Alice and Ira Steinman (USA)
Liora and Menachem Sternberg (USA)
Jane Lebell Stern (USA)
Michael Stern (USA)
The Allison Maher Stern Foundation (USA)
Vera Stern (USA)
Michael Strauss (Israel)
Hadas Tamir (Israel)
Judith Terra (USA)
The Hadera Development Foundation (Israel)
Edna and Dan Tocatly (Israel)
Ziva and Aaron Tomares (USA)
Judith and Abraham Tyomkin (USA-Israel)
Greg Urra (USA)
Barbara and Jeffrey Wallis (UK)
Barbara Walters (USA)
Felicia Warshawsky (USA)
Alyce Faye Wattleton (USA)
Herbert A. Wein (USA)
Cora and Peter Weiss (USA)
Elizabeth G. Weymouth (USA)
Ronald Winston (USA)
Arlene Wittels (USA)
Judy and Norris Wolff (USA)
The Womens Wheel Foundation (Israel)
Yegar Air-conditioning Solutions, Ltd (Israel)
Youngstown Area Jewish Federation (USA)
Ruth Zandman (USA)
Avi Zeevi (Israel)
Feigi and Robi Zimmerman (Israel)
Yair Ziv (UK)
Mortimer Zuckerman (USA)