Mikhail Shilyaev (Russia)
Born in Izhevsk, Russia. He studied in Moscow State Conservatoire, in Germany and in the UK. He has worked with leading conductors including Christopher Warren-Green, Pascal Rophé, Nikoloz Rachveli and Gianluca Marcianó. In July 2010 Mikhail won the Bronze Medal at the prestigious Vianna da Motta International Piano Competition in Lisbon. Mikhail has been taking part in numerous festivals across Europe including Zaubersee festival in Lucerne and Suoni dal Golfo in La Spezia, Italy. Among his chamber music partners are Boris Brovtsyn, Anastasia Kobekina and Natalie Clein. He has recently released two critically acclaimed CDs on Toccata Classics and Stone Records. His new record made on historical Bechstein has been just released by Willowhayne Records.
Mikhail Shilyaev
Dates of residence
July 21 – Aug 8keshetei2019-02-04T12:41:43+02:00
Dates of residence
July 21 – Aug 8keshetei2019-02-04T12:41:43+02:00